I have found myself fearful the last few days.
Though I like being knowledgeable and informed about what is going on in the world, I’ve listened to and watched way too much news.
My biblical lens got knocked sideways, and my perspective was momentarily skewed.
God has helped me regain my focus and has encouraged my heart.

This week as I read my morning devotions and sought a peace filled heart, God has reminded me that He has a plan; He is in control. This is truth, whether things appear to be so or not. All He desires from me is that I continually seek to be like David: a man [or woman] after His own heart. (Acts 13:22)

David was a mighty soldier and ruler of a vast kingdom, yet very much human.
He did not always make the wisest choices.
He broke the law.
He worried.
He was anxious.
At times, he was frightened.

We are surrounded by wars and rumors of war.
Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disaster loom around us.
Worldwide, evil entities are attacking and hurting women and children.
There is a new slavery in our midst, and it has nothing to do with the color of skin or gender.
Deceit and lies seem to be rampant; they are everywhere.
Citizens and neighbors with conflicting opinions are vehemently opposed to each other simply because they don’t think alike.
The news of the day depicts people willing to say the meanest of things, slinging hurtful names and innuendo and labeling each other in derogatory terms. Inflicting physical harm on our fellow man appears to be more and more prevalent, just because one thinks he is right. Respect of and for others seems to have disappeared.

Just as David was not perfect, we are not always right about everything in word or action. We, too, are very human. We are also living in perilous times.
Like King David, we can look up!

O Lord, hear me praying; listen to my plea, O God my King, for I will never pray to anyone but you. Each morning I will look to you in heaven and lay my requests before you, praying earnestly.
I know you get no pleasure from wickedness and cannot tolerate the slightest sin. Therefore, proud sinners will not survive your searching gaze, for how you hate their evil deeds. You will destroy them for their lies; how you abhor all murder and deception.

But as for me, I will come into your Temple protected by your mercy and your love; I will worship you with deepest awe. Lord, lead me as you promised me you would; otherwise my enemies will conquer me. Tell me clearly what to do, which way to turn.
For they [my enemy] cannot speak one truthful word. Their hearts are filled to the brim with wickedness. Their suggestions are full of the stench of sin and death. Their tongues are filled with flatteries to gain their wicked ends.
O God, hold them responsible. Catch them in their own traps; let them fall beneath the weight of their own transgressions, for they rebel against you.
(Psalm 5:1-10, The Living Bible)

But, let all who take refuge in You be glad, let them ever sing for joy; and may You shelter them, that those who love Your name may exult in You. For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O Lord, You surround him with favor as with a shield.
(verses 11 & 12, NASB)

When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You:
In God, whose word I praise,
In God, I have put my trust;
I shall NOT be afraid.
What canĀ mereĀ man do to me?
(Psalm: 53:3-4, NASB; bold italics are mine)

And all of God’s people said….