I would be distraught, desperate, disillusioned, defenseless, lost, lifeless, foolish, faithless, floundering, guilty, enslaved, in bondage, in darkness, in need, afraid, frightened, scared, insecure, troubled, senseless, unloved, unworthy, unclean, wondering, worthless, wondering, helpless, and totally hopeless.


God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NASB, 1995)

Because of the cross:

GOD So Lovedhttps://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0TCswNq_KMzY3YPTiSc9PUSjOV8jJL0tNAQB7vwjO&q=god+so+loved&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS987US988&oq=god+so+loved&aqs=chrome.1.69i59j46i433i512j69i59j35i39j0i20i263i512j0i273.4098j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

GOODNESS OF GOD, Spontaneous//take twohttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qVEOJzAYIW4

Holy God, Thank You for Your AMAZING LOVE for one such as me! Inspite of my failures and disappointments toward You, You sent Jesus anyway. Jesus, thank you for being willing to take my guilt and shame on Yourself; You became the Scapegoat. GREATER LOVE has no man! Oh, Father, how I love You; but, You loved me first! This prayer I offer as a sweet aroma to You; with a grateful, thankful, joy-filled heart, AMEN.


I must give copyright credit first!
Everything from my heart today comes from the lines within this song, especially
the tag lines: “You’re the only ONE who can,” and
Nothing is better than You;” they belong to the authors of the song being lifted in praise in the attached video link below; ENJOY!

This song has haunted and plagued me in a gloriously beautiful way this week!
I’ve chosen it as my Birthday Song!


YOU ARE the ONLY ONE Who can change, transform, and do the unthinkable or impossible!

Hover your presence and Spirit over the people of Ukraine and those helping them on the border at Poland. Guard and protect President Zelensky. Encamp legions of angles round about all involved. Save lives and souls! Turn their mourning into dancing! Give them Beauty for their Ashes!

Oh, Mighty Powerful God,
You’re the ONLY ONE Who Can!

Move the mountains in my life;
You’re the only One Who can!
Reveal Yourself to my children, save them;
You’re the ONLY ONE who can!
Strategically lead and guard those being persecuted:
You’re the only One Who can!
Protect and keep Your children safe;
You’re the ONLY ONE Who can!

Be High and lifted up, Lord.
Be exalted!
Be honored and glorified!
You’re the ONLY ONE, deserving!
In the Name of Jesus,



It is hard for me to believe that it is just a few weeks shy of a year since I posted on my blog!

An explanation (not an excuse): a year of medical issues, totally unrelated to COVID; yet, I was tested for the illness over a dozen times in that year; it was negative every time. I stopped counting at 12!

Now, I’m feeling much better and ready to roll, or write, again!

Be on the LOOKOUT for NEW FEATURES! In my efforts to reboot and restart, I’m going to make a few changes. I will be joining my friends and sisters-in-Christ, Bonnie and Linda, on their new website and social media pages. The sites are currently being organized and designed; they should be ready soon!

I will still be using WordPress for my blogging purposes but will be encouraged, supported, and promoted by His Story, a non-profit set up to advance the “Hope of Healing” in the name of Jesus and spread the “Good News” of the transforming power of God, in Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. I will be connected to their organization from this point forward.

When their format is completed, you will find them and me at hisstoryllc.org, and at His Story on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. When the time comes, please check out these venues, give us a like, click and follow the sites, and pass us on to as many of your contacts as possible. We DO NOT want to be a well kept secret!

I pray that in this interim time of setting up and preparation we will all: “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within us, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in our hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16, NASB 1995; I personalized the pronouns in this scripture.)

In light of this admonition from the Apostle Paul, this proclamation is from me to you: “Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, our rock and our Redeemer!” (Psalm 19:14, NASB 1995; I changed pluralization and ending punctuation mark.)

Serving Him Together, for His Glory, NORA


What in the world is going on in this world?
It is a legitimate question.
The spiritual battle for the souls of mankind is raging!
God is still offering His message of Salvation through His Son, Jesus.

What in the world?
Leaders across our world are in favor of killing our precious children before and after birth, little ones that God has knit together in their mothers’ wombs. Now, the President of the United States says he intends for our nation to fund this atrocity.
Herod did the same thing in days of Jesus’ birth.

What in the world?
Hatred, anger, and rage are being spewed and lies are being spread throughout the land concerning persons of different ideologies, faiths, skin tones, and genders. It is so very difficult to find the truth amongst the vast sea of falsehood and twisted truth.
Throughout the New Testament, Jesus, the Apostles, and others remind us that the true believer does not harbor these characteristics in his heart and they are not portrayed in his life.

What in the World?
Persons considered to be prominent, or in rolls of leadership or influence, speak ill of the living and the dead; they use foul, hateful, mean, and vulgar language. They cannot find any compassion within themselves to consider the grief of those who are related to the loved one whom they are verbally slaughtering.
So it was throughout Jesus’ ministry and in the days of Holy Week. Mary watched her Son as He was ridiculed and questioned by religious leaders of the day and unjustly tried, judged, and crucified for the sake of a lost and dying world.

What in the World?
Mankind (Men and Women) gives himself much more credit than is his to own. He has elevated himself into a position that was appointed to him and was intended for him, but in his arrogance and self-absorption, he thinks himself to have more control and power than he truly does, forgetting from where his position and influence come.
Do Pharaoh, King Saul, Nebuchadnezzar, the Pharisees, and Pontius Pilate ring a bell?

What in the World?
More and more it seems that evil is winning and taking over, being victorious at many turns. Good is being portrayed as evil and evil as good. So it was in the days of Isaiah when he said, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light, and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20
There is no better warning more applicable to today than these words from the prophet of old.

What in the world?
Humanity even believes they can regulate and control the climate and forces of nature, going as far as to cry, “Global Warming!” as winter storms rage through our nation, creating record cold temperatures in some areas. A worldwide representative council is being assembled to discuss rules and regulations for climate control, and decisions as to how and when to enforce them across the globe.
How soon we forget Who is sovereign over, and in control of, all that has been created, and that He will be honored and glorified by all which he has made. In my minds eye, I can see God looking down, shaking His head with a grin and saying, “Come on man! Really!”

What in the world is going on in this world?
Nothing new my friend; there is nothing new under the sun! Ecclesiastes 1:9 NASB
Trust in the One Who created it all. He has a purpose and a plan!


With the stroke of a pen, a man strikes a blow to the livelihood of families, demolishing jobs.
With the stroke of a pen, a man spreads evil world wide, funding the killing of babies via abortion.
With the stroke of a pen, a man opens a nation to treats, opening her borders to any and all.
With the stroke of a pen, a man a denounces a whole set of fellow citizens because they think differently than he, unleashing racisms, bigotry, and opportunity for threats and persecution.
With the stroke of a pen, a man places foreign nations above the one he is leading.
With the stroke of a pen, a man continues to threaten the way of life for many, while pressing toward changing American from being that which she was intended.

With the stroke of a pen, God gave us His words, through man, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
With the stroke of a pen, God gave us words to songs of faith that sustain us in our time of need.
With the stroke of a pen, God delivered His promises to those who belong to Him; and, He keeps every single one of them.
With the stroke of a pen, God has given and shown us His plan; we will trust in His sovereignty over it and execution thereof.
With the stroke of a pen, God has given us words of comfort and strength to keep us in uncertain and perilous times.
With the stroke of a pen, God has written my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Under which pen, do you fall?
To which pen do you yield?
From which pen do you draw strength?
By which pen are you encouraged?

Ah! The power of the stroke from a pen!


Sales event for BBB

I’m not sure if this is allowed on the blog; but I’m going to give it a try!

Advertisement from His-Story LLC:

Due to COVID AND OTHER ISSUES, Nora Alexander and her Associates are changing there marketing outreach and strategy. 


Nora’s Book is now on SALE, from January 20, 2021 thru March 31, 2021. 

During this timeframe:

Paperbacks will be $16.00 plus $3.00 S&H and Hardcovers will be $28.50 plus $3.50 S&H. 

(That is 20% off and our best price ever.)

To get this great price and tax-free offer you must:

  • Order from our team at His-Story directly, by contacting our Order and Shipping Manager—Linda Hoss, lindahoss3@gmail.com or by calling or texting at: 1-903-452-9404 by midnight of March 31, 2021. 
  • Provide Your Name, Address, Phone number, and email in your communication. 
  • Let us know for whom the book is being purchased. Every Copy sold during this Event will be personally signed by Nora Alexander, herself!

We will ship directly to you or to the person for whom the book is purchased. Your choice!


ALL PERSONS PURCHASING A BOOK DURING THIS EVENT PERIOD, will have their name entered to win a FREE, AUTOGRAPHED Hardcover copy; there will only be one winner, drawn at 12:10 am April 1, 2021. 

We will contact the winner. 

You can examine the content of both copies at: https://www.amazon.com/Bitter-Broken-Blessed-Nora-Alexander/dp/1512772070


Share this free instant preview with:

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Nora IS NOW booking SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS and MEET THE AUTHOR EVENTS for the remainder of 2021 and beyond. Contact Linda (info above and she will forward your request to our Booking and Events Manager—Bonnie Davis. 

Our Team is looking forward to hearing from you; and, if you think it worthy of a forward, please share our blog posts and sale info with your family and friends. 

Thank you for your time and help, 

Nora Alexander


It has been quite awhile since my last post. Life has been markedly different for our household since March, 2020 and is continuing even now, with added stresses.
Illnesses and surgeries have plagued our home, none COVID-19 related.
With all that is going on in our nation, God promoted me to stop, take a little time, and write a bit.
Thank you for your forgiveness and for your patience.

So, the Question: God, are you there?

Yes indeed fellow believers, He IS right here with us!!!! Don’t doubt it for a single minute!
If we seek Him with our whole heart, WE WILL find Him.

He is with us: in times of joy; in times of sorrow; in times of grief; in times of tears; in times of doubt, confusion, and upheaval; in times of unrest and threats; in times of peace and in chaos; in times of severe battle with our enemies; and, in times when people are being targeted, possibly facing future persecution in our Nation.
He is even with us, His children, when we are very ill and possibly facing death.
If He spares us, we and those who love us, are granted a reprieve from grief and loss.
If He takes us to glory—for that is the destination of all true Believers—then we will have been granted His promise to us: victory over death and the promised gift of eternal life through Jesus—because we believed—live in the presence of The Almighty, Triune, Jehovah-God, and the Heavenly Hosts, angels, and Saints of old for ALL OF ETERNITY!

Hallelujah!!! Amen and Amen!!!!

My heart is Humming the Gaither Song: HE IS HERE, HOLY, HOLY…………..



First, my apologies for the length of this post. But, I wanted you to understand where I am coming from and why I am thinking on these things. I also wanted to tell you how my thoughts unfolded; that took up some space. All this was for clarity and hopefully helps with background for comprehension purposes.

I read an article today that prompted this blog post. It was about intolerance of people who choose to believe that there are only males and females in this world; and outside of that there are no “other genders.” The post was also making this a political issue. I found myself thinking: How do I make sense of my faith and my politics? I contend that my politics should be driven by faith, NOT my faith being controlled by politics.

In having this “Ah-Ha Moment,” I realized that this is the exact issue that is currently in play in this country. I also came to the conclusion that if we could look deeply enough and discover the root of the issue, we might be able to be more unified as a nation, in spite of our differences.

In studying the Book of Romans, in the Bible, I have found myself asking God to show me the huge difference between being judgmental and using good judgment in making decisions for and in my own life; these of course involve seeking wisdom and asking for discernment. Below are my take-aways from my time this morning.

Please note, this is not an argument for or against LGBTQ lifestyles. It is my thoughts on how we as Americans can live in peace and unity, regardless of our personal beliefs and differences. The phrasing is based on substance of the article.

I have no problem with people making choices for themselves. However, I don’t have to agree with them about their choices. I don’t have to change my thinking about your choices. I don’t have to like your choices. The same rights and freedoms you exercise to choose different lifestyles are the same rights I get to exercise in disagreeing with them. I can recognize you have made your choices. I recognize your right and freedom to do so. But, I am free to think and believe a different way as well.

Ah, the beauty of living in the United States of America. The simplicity of unity……on freedom to make choices in one’s own life, as long as they do not break the law. We do not have to agree. We must simply recognize and respect that we have the freedom to disagree.

Who’s right? Who’s wrong? We will not know for 100% certainty until judgment day or until death; one or the other of these ideas is believed by most people. We can all agree none of us will escape death; there is no way out

I know what I believe and why I believe it. I understand that those who choose different lifestyles and beliefs believe what they believe. Ah, the freedom to believe differently!

Why can we not stand as a unified nation and celebrate the gift of “freedom”……set forth by our Founding Father’s and preserved and protected by those who have chosen to lay down their lives to protect these freedoms.

It is time to focus on the Main Thing and make it the Main Thing. If we do so, the hatred, racism, bigotry, and intolerance—for the majority—would disappear.

We would live in our FREEDOM to walk out our individual lives in the belief we choose. Whether that is a life of faith in Christ Jesus or a life of of there is no God, a life that believes the Bible is 100% accurate and true or a life that believes this book is riddled with errors, a life that respects others regardless of the color of their skin and nationality or a life that is hateful to those who are ethnically different, a life that chooses to believe there is male and female or a life that chooses to debate that design.

Let freedom ring! May forced thinking and adherence be defeated!

I do believe in God. I also believe there is ample evidence that He will do one of two things: 1) He will protect us from ourselves and offer us opportunity to seek Him or 2) He will turn us over to our reprobate minds and disobedient spirits.

Make no mistake, He does have a plan. There is a day that looks like evil will win and prevail. It will not. It will enjoy success for a season.


King Jesus returns,

Claims His Followers,

Establishes His Kingdom

Here on Earth,

Captures and chains Satan and evil forever,

And He will reign for ALL ETERNITY.


Believe it or not! Again, that is your choice. And right now, you have the freedom to decide for yourself.


On the MOUNTAIN TOP, I can see the majesty of His handiwork.
The Beauty of God’s great expanse spreads far and wide in all its splendor.
I stand in awe of His magnificent works.
This is where clear vision is found.                                                                                        He is there.

In the valley, I can feel the serenity of His presence.
The gentle streams calm my nerves.
The winds whispering through the trees remind me of My Father’s voice.
This is where the flowers bloom.                                                                                            He is there.

In the midst of storms, I can sense the power and majesty of the creator.
No matter the measure of its ferocity and being caught in its powerful grasp,
I need help to withstand the forces coming against me.                                                            This is where my anchor holds fast.                                                                                       He is there.

When plaques, crisis, or famine strike                                                                            and my world seems confusing,                                                                                                  I know He is the provider of manna from heaven.                                                          This is where my hope is grounded                                                                                                         He is there.

Wherever I am, He is there!                                                                                                                         I am never alone.

A PERSONAL NOTE: Please forgive the formatting errors and extreme amount of time I have been away from my keyboard! The very first week of the Covid-19 Crisis and Shelter at Home was implemented….my computer crashed and the “blue screen of death” entered my writing world.  I have an iPad, but soon discovered….things do not operate exactly the same in iPad world as they do in PC world. My computer s still dead. Thus, the lack of posts and crazy formatting today. Im hoping this one makes it to being posted today😁.